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This event is hosted by both University of Ottawa and Carleton University’s IEEE WIE Affinity Groups.

University of Ottawa

IEEE McNaughton Resource Center
SITE – Room 4026

Manaal Mujeebuddin – uOttawa WIE Chair

Madison Moran – uOttawa WIE Vice-Chair

Émilie Des Rosiers – uOttawa WIE VP Treasurer

Somana Debnath – uOttawa WIE VP External

Fayza Oyarekhua – uOttawa WIE VP Social

Rachel OlugbemirouOttawa WIE VP Communications

Nyah Wagner – uOttawa WIE Design

Carleton University

Katey Lloyd – Carleton WIE Chair

Aljoharah Alabdullatif – Carleton WIE Vice-Chair

Anna Szumska – Carleton WIE Academic Director

Daphne Papadatos – Carleton WIE External Director

Vidhi – Carleton WIE Social Media Director

Avery Uyettewaal – Carleton WIE Finance Director